Let Your Light Shine

Joan Maiden
3 min readAug 4, 2021

This Little Light of Mine was one of my favorite songs in Sunday School when I was a child.

Little did a comprehend the full meaning of shining my light.

No matter how much darkness may surround you, there is always an ember that is never extinguished. If you walk into a dark room where only a tiny ember glows, you won’t see clearly what is in that room. That’s how life often feels when you are in a dark place. When you turn up the light, you can start to distinguish shapes and objects. Turn the light up even brighter and the world will be displayed in full color. You will see the doors that open for you and the opportunities waiting.

How do you turn up your light and shine brightly? A fire takes three elements: heat, oxygen and fuel. The heat comes from the ember, no matter how weak the glow. When you want to ignite a fire, one of the first things you do is blow on the ember or use bellows to give it air. As the embers start to glow, you then start adding fuel. At first, just a little at a time.

The ember is the life-force inside of you. Even when your world is dark, that spark never completely goes out. It needs to be fanned into a bright flame. Your oxygen is your passion. Ever notice how much brighter the world is when you are engaged in something you are passionate about?



Joan Maiden
Joan Maiden

Written by Joan Maiden


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